Here at Grace of Calvary Baptist Church the Lord has brought together and united in a bond of love, under the banner of Christ, people from different parts of the city, county, state and country. A diversified group of individuals and families from all walks of life meet together in harmony. Grace of Calvary is a King James, independent, fundamental, Baptist Church. It is a unique place loving the unlovable, touching the untouchable and reaching the unreachable. A place where you will find a smile, a handshake and a warm welcome. A place you might want to make your church home.
Having started in a storefront with 13 people in 1983, the Lord has blessed our church with growth. He adds new folks every year and has enabled us to build a beautiful new building on the edge of town where the city and suburbs meet. We would be glad to have you visit with us this Sunday.
If you would like to attend and need transportation, directions or if there is anything else we can do to assist you in enabling you to come to church and worship with us, please email, call or write me using the form or information located on the Contact page.
Dr. George H. Alquist, Jr. – Pastor